looking after your spray paint

Top tips: looking after your PlastiKote spray paint

Inevitably, unless you’re spraying a large item of furniture, you will be left with some paint in the can after using PlastiKote spray paint. These odds and ends of paint are ideal for mini makeovers like transforming a picture frame or spraying the lids of storage jars, so you don’t want to throw it away. Here are four top tips for storing a partially used can:


2 - Wedding favour jar being sprayed with PlastiKote Twist and Spray in Cameo Pink



  1. When you complete the project in hand, turn the can upside down and spray on to some newspaper until the gas has been expelled and nothing is coming out of the nozzle. This will clear the tube and nozzle of any paint residue and prevent clogging.
  2. Clean the nozzle with a q-tip to make sure it doesn’t get clogged up.
  3. Store spray paint cans indoors, in a shed or garage where the temperature won’t fall below freezing.
  4. A can of unopened spray paint has a shelf-life of approximately 10 years but once used, it should not be stored for more than two years.


2 - Flower pots being sprayed with PlastiKote Twist and Spray Primer in White