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How to: create ‘grow your own’ labelling with PlastiKote spray paint

Hoorah, the warmer weather is finally here!  We love to ‘grow our own’ and it’s great to see everything starting to flourish. To help keep some order in the shed and garden, we’ve come up with some useful labelling ideas using PlastiKote spray paint.


You will need:

Seed trays

Wooden plant labels

Bulldog clips

Dust sheets/newspaper

PlastiKote Twist & Spray Colour spray paint

PlastiKote Twist & Spray Chalkboard


If you’re using plain seed trays, spray one side with PlastiKote Chalkboard. You can chalk on what you’ve planted and, when the seedlings have been potted on into the ground, use again for the next crop.


before and after seed boxes


Plain wooden plant labels have been sprayed with PlastiKote Twist & Spray Colour. It’s a great way to use up spray paint as you need so little. Once dry, write on with permanent marker. You can always give them a quick re-spray next year if you want to plant a different crop.


vegetable tags


Keep seed packets tidy with bulldog clips. To get away from boring black, we’ve again used leftover spray paint to add some colour and stuck on letters so we can easily find our veg and flowers seeds.


bulldog clips


How to:

  • Spread newspaper/dust sheets out in a well-ventilated working area or preferably outside.
  • Make sure the item you are spraying is clean and dry.
  • Following instructions on the can, spray the item with your spray paint of choice.
  • Allow to thoroughly dry before using.


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